Complaints Procedure

What is a complaint?

A complaint is made when you are not happy with a service we have provided.

If your complaint refers to a request to terminate your tenancy agreement, in the first instance please refer to the cancelation policy stated in your tenancy agreement.

Complaints Procedure

  • Stage 1 – Where possible please make your complaint in person at reception or by telephone. Our property team will attempt to investigate and deal with the matter immediately. If you are unhappy with the solutions or explanations given you can escalate your complaint to Stage 2 by letter or email to the Property Manager within 10 working days.
  • Stage 2 – Your complaint must be in made in writing to the property and must state why you think your complaint has not been treated fairly or correctly at stage 1. The Property Manager will investigate your complaint further and provide a written response within 10 working days where possible.
  • Stage 3 – Your complaint must be in writing. In the event that you still feel your complaint has not been treated fairly or correctly you can request for your complaint to be escalated. Your complaint must be made in writing to the Property team who will pass your communication to a senior member of staff within Luna Students, who will investigate further and provide a written response within 10 working days where possible. You must state why you think your complaint has not been treated fairly or correctly to this point.
  • Stage 4 – Luna Students is a member of the Accreditation Network UK (ANUK). If, after giving Luna Students a chance to respond to your complaint you are still not satisfied, you can ask for an independent decision from ANUK.